
[120620] Hobbes doll No.16

My customer from UK gave me a great opportunity to crochet a Hobbes doll with a new color! I usually use the color of "gold", but this one is with the color of "carrot", and we are so happy to see how cute it came out.

Thanks again so much for the people who have hit me up and told me that they love my dolls. Your words and smiles are my energy source:)



[120601] Dragon Quilt on Quilting Arts Magazine

My first art quilt of this year has made it to the Reader Challenge "From Sketch to Art Quilt" on Quilting Arts Magazine June/July issue. I am so happy to see in on the page!

It's already been half way of 2012, and I feel so graceful that I have many upcoming projects occupying my second half of this year:)
